The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141769 Message #3265486
Posted By: Musket
29-Nov-11 - 11:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: References I Don't Understand (drug ads)
Subject: RE: BS: References I Don't Understand
Here in The UK, prescription only medicines are not allowed to be advertised to the general public. (My responsible adult is a doctor and the trade magazines she gets are full of them though...)
I support the idea of not advertising them to the general public and at the risk of sounding Nanny state, I prefer the idea (as prescriptions are set up to be if you think about it) that they are tools for the doctor to consider, as he / she is diagnosing and treating your condition, not the marketing manager of a drug company who has just realised their cash cow is about to go generic.
Over diagnosis and over treating are symptoms of a well known conundrum. Are we inventing medicines for ailments or inventing ailments for medicines?