The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141076   Message #3265543
Posted By: Jim Carroll
29-Nov-11 - 01:18 PM
Thread Name: Palestine (continuation)
Subject: RE: Palestine (continuation)
"The Great Leap Forward
You seem to be attempting to excuse the Sabra - Shatila massacres by bean counting - squalid that you are
S and S were a single planned and exectuted massacre over three days facilitated by and participated in by the Israelis
As far as I can see all the others are a series of killings carried out over a length of time - in some cases years, none, as far as I can see can be described as "a massacre", rather, a sequence of killings, including some massacres.
The claim (not mine) was that S & S was the largest single massacre to have taken place since W.W.2
If it's any help, you might like to dispute the figures by not counting the bodies buried (by the Falangists and the Israelis, with the help of the latter's bulldozers) under what is now the Stadium, because we will never know how many there where without tearing down the construction) - hope that's of some help.
What kind of people are you??
Keith - my stance on the Palestinian response to Israeli aggression has been put up on this and other threads; if you can't manage it yourself, perhaps you might get a friend to read it for you.
Your response is a joke - the punch-line being your opposition to a blockade you have sneered at from the beginning.
I wonder how happy Don is having you claim him as an ally
Jim Carroll