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Thread #141076   Message #3265627
Posted By: Jim Carroll
29-Nov-11 - 03:32 PM
Thread Name: Palestine (continuation)
Subject: RE: Palestine (continuation)
Whose, then, so we know whose lies YOU accept without thought?
It's in some of the earlier cut-n-pastes you look for it as you seem to havse decided it's a lie in advance.
Of course - you could produce a single massacre that outstrips the "up to 5000" suggested by the "lying" LeMonde reporter.
Both the Rwandan and the Cambodian were country wide conflicts - see 'The Killing Fields' and the amazing personal account on the Rwandan conflict (the name of which escapes me for the moment as it's on loan).
"The Israelis fire smoke shells into military positions THAT THE PALESTINIANS have illegally placed in civilian areas, and YOU raise hell about it. "
Been there and done that with Keith - search "killing hostages" which you seem to be advocating, along with him.
"It would be interesting to hear you explain why we should not call you a bigot,"
It would be interesting to hear why you should not be called an out-and-out racist as you and your mob are suggesting that a whole nation has no valid right to their homeland - don't suppose either of us are going to get an answer.
However, unless you can show that the barbarism shown by The Israeli administration is representative of the Jewish people as a whole (which I know is not the case from personal experience) - I would say you have no case, don't you?
You peaple shame the Jewish people by making such a suggestion. Jews I have known would cringe to be compared with people like you - Benny Rothman, who fought Facists in Spain alongside my father; my landlord in London, Hugh Faulkner, who, as a medical student risked his life by joining Moseley's Blackshirts in order to pass on information on the marches and street meetings so they could be disrupted. Or all those wonderful activists I knew in Manchester, many of whom had lost their entire families in The Holocaust and who still felt such a sense of outrage that they devoted their lives to bettering the lives of their fellow workers and fighting for peace.
You don't even feature next to any of them
"As for "squalid", an admitted racist who has called Palestinians "sub-human"
I'm sure you mean "Israelis" and I have done no such thing - I have called "less than human", those who have persistantly persecuted, non combatants, terrorised, dehumanised, slaughtered, ghettoised, attempted to starve into submission, used chemicals on house-dwellers, destroyed homes, usurped land, driven hundreds of families to live near toxic rubbish dumps...... AND CONTINUE TO DO SO....   Their race and religion was neither mentioned nor is it relevant
I would include in my description those who attempt to justify such action with denials and distortions - especially those who claim that people who belong to any particular race or culture should be immune from criticism for such behaviour.
You really are scraping the bottom a an extremely unwholesome barrel for your arguments
Jim Carroll