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Thread #141076   Message #3266051
Posted By: beardedbruce
30-Nov-11 - 10:27 AM
Thread Name: Palestine (continuation)
Subject: RE: Palestine (continuation)

"I don't post false statements - if I have made a mistake I admit to having done so - I do not see the point of getting involved in discussion threads and doing otherwise."

Yet I have pointed out false statements YOU have posted, and you have neither acknowledged the facts, nor provided any support for your statements.

A lie on your part.

"You, on the other hand, have desperately tried to make this a racist issue on my part, failed miserably and moved on without having the good grace to admit you were wrong."

I have seen you complain about Israeli actions, yet defend the SAME actions or worse when the Palestinians were shown to have done them. If you have a reason other than bigotry, please provide it, as requested before and ignored by you.

2nd New Lie

"You have claimed that I oppose the Jewish homeland - failed miserbly to even to make an approach on this one - so you move on without having the good grace to admit you were wrong."

I have asked where you would put it, and why you do not acknowledge the Balfour Declaration, as the rest of the civilized worrld has. I have pointed out that the Arab Moslim Palestinians WERE given their own state, in 1923 or so, and you have never acknowledged that.

"You called me a liar when I said I had responded to a question you asked - when I pointed out that I had, you moved on without having the good grace to admit you were wrong."

Since YOUR saying you had replied was NOT accompanied by any answer or response addressing the question, I fail to see how I was wrong.

"You have said that the Palestinians have no claim to Palestine, when challenged, you ignore requests as to what should happen to the Palestinians - you ignore those requests."

Actually, I have stated that the ISRAELIS have a BETTER claim to the West Bank. IMO, the FACT that Israel is willing to NEGOTIATE the trade of LAND ( ISRAELI LAND) for peace with the Palestinians, and the Palestinians are not should tell you something.

What I can see id that you have not addressed the questions I have repeatedly asked, and you lie about doing so.

You have continued to insist that the NO Palestinians have NO RESPONSIBILITY for the actions of ANY Palestinians, even when supported by the Palestinian authorities, and that ALL ISRAELIS are responsible for the actions of ANY Israeli and should be collectively punished. In addition you deny the greater number of Arab Jewish refugees, and their rights.


MY questions were NOT "an eye for an eye". I was asking if you thought it better for Israel to

1. Continue to treat the Palestinians the way they are presently
2. OR Treat the Palestinians the way the Arab Moslims have treated the Jews,
3. OR Treat the Palestinians the way the Other Arab Moslim States have treated the Palestinians.

Easy question- Should the Palestinians be treated

1. As Israel treats them now?
2. As the Arab Moslims have treated the Arab Jews?
3. As the other Arab Moslim countries have treated the Palestinians?

I will even allow you to pick

4. As the Palestinians have treated the Israelis, since you talk about an eye for an eye.

If you have another choice, PLEASE let us know, and WHY you think it is justified.