The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141769   Message #3266063
Posted By: GUEST,Whistle Stop
30-Nov-11 - 10:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: References I Don't Understand (drug ads)
Subject: RE: BS: References I Don't Understand
I used to be a Mudcat member, now I just lurk on occasion. In answer to the original query, I think the line is "talk to your doctor," which is a pretty standard line at the end of commercials for drugs (prescription or otherwise). Say it fast, and it sounds like "doctor doctor."

As someone stated above, it used to be illegal in the US to advertise prescription medications over the airways. I wish it still were, as these ads are ubiquitous now -- probably tied with automobile ads for the top (most frequent) slot. The ads, like most ads, give little substantive information; they tend towards vague celebrations of whatever is deemed to be an appealing lifestyle among the target demographic. This translates into lots of ads featuring baby boomers like me riding motorcycles, hang gliding, taking gorgeous women to bed (we get lots of ads for Viagra, Cialis, and other "male enhancement" products), and so forth -- followed by a rapidly recited list of legally-required warnings deliverede in a monotone, in hopes that the listener will tune out the more troubling information. Nobody is being educated by these ads, nor are the pharmaceutical companies looking to educate people; they're just selling a product, like other people do with junk food, laundry soap, and political candidates.