The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141076   Message #3266155
Posted By: Jim Carroll
30-Nov-11 - 12:33 PM
Thread Name: Palestine (continuation)
Subject: RE: Palestine (continuation)
"I will even allow you to pick "
You self righteous, pompous prick - stuff your choices
"Arab Moslims"
The ARAB MOSLIMS have not treated the Jews any way - some of their leaders have treated them badly, just as the present leadership in Israel is treating the Palestinians badly now TO BLAME THE ARAB MOSLIMS AS A WHOLE FOR BAD TREATMENT OF THE JEWS IS RACIST IN THE EXTREME - EVERY BIT AS RACIST AS SUGGESTING THAT "ALL MALE PAKISTANIS" ARE CULTURALLY IMPLANTED PERVERTS - it is you who is the racist here.
The protest here if of the treatment of Palestinian civilians.
There is a territorial dispute- the Palestinian people as a whole should not be subject to war crimes as they are.
Again the same answer to your question THE PALESTINIANS SHOULD BE TREATED AS THE HUMAN BEINGS THEY ARE - not targets of heavy weaponry as the Israelis have made them.
I ask you again - what you do with the Palestyinians you would deny a legitimate claim on where they live?
You say I hve not replied to 'false statements' I have made none - yo have skulked nbehind cowardly accusations of anti Semitism, of my denying the right of the Israel to a state - you have retracted neither, yet you have bullied, bluistered, demanded answers and still refuse to acknowledge that you have received answers - take your religios fanaticism and stiuffit in the same place as your choices.
It is you who has lied throughout this thread.
"That was the Palestinian argument Jim."
No it was not - it was the aid workers who were the victims of the attack - and the almost unniversal condemnation from the rest of the world.
"Israel refuted that version of events."
We really will have to adopt a legal system where the criminals try themselves - that would be fair and unbiased, wouldn't it?
Jim Carroll