The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141769   Message #3266410
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
30-Nov-11 - 07:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: References I Don't Understand (drug ads)
Subject: RE: BS: References I Don't Understand
I was just thinking the same EBarnacle.

Oh for a return to the days when touting for business was denied to Doctors, Lawyers, Drug Producers etc.

Car insurance was so much cheaper without ambulance chasing shysters.

Doctors told you what was wrong with you and prescribed appropriate medication.

They didn't set up clinics to offer the latest fad treatments at obscene prices and often without sufficient specialist qualifications.

And the legal profession wasn't riding to riches on the back of victims of "accidents" such as the woman who got damages because Costa Coffee didn't tell her that her coffee was hot (for Christ's Sake), and she scalded herself by spilling it.

The victims I refer to are of course those who wind up paying damages to such total damn fools, and costs to the shysters.

This country was a better place when these activities were forbidden.

Don T.