The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141413   Message #3266476
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
01-Dec-11 - 12:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Occupy Wall Street; The 99%
Subject: RE: BS: Occupy Wall Street; The 99%
Back a few posts back, was a link to a petition, to prosecute some of the 'robo-signers' and the banks(I mentioned the RICO statute in that). Two days later California, just 'HAD' to finally charge one of the banks, but mostly focused on the 'robo-signer'. What I suggest, is to cut and past that post, click the link, to apply the link, directly off the address bar, and apply it to the mail, and send it to everyone one your lists, and encourage them to pass it on, to everyone on their lists.
Being as the dialogue has changed, and the public is getting aware of a few things, they make go for the petition...even though they may not like or approve of the 'Occupiers'....they don't have to, at this point, or maybe ever...but at least help get the ball rolling, within the system.
Pressure needs to pour in on Holder's justice far, he has done NOTHING! We the people will probably make him have to act! The more he resists,(if he does), the bigger the story...and the more questions asked!.....and it is, after all, an election year. Lot's of shit might come out.....but be forewarned, you might not like where it all leads....but let the chips fall where they must fall.
...and keep the discussion, MOVING, and ASKING QUESTIONS, and NOT SETTLING for soft answers! This is NOT a partisan issue....most of all those crooks have their fingers in the pie, and their feet in the trough!...and it crosses party lines...THEREFORE, lots of people may be prone to sign.
Let 'WE THE PEOPLE' represent the issue, now that the 'Occupiers', have brought it up.

Just a suggestion...and there's more that may come up.
Keep the focus.