The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141848   Message #3266497
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
01-Dec-11 - 01:20 AM
Thread Name: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
Subject: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
Last month's thread.

I remarked a couple of days ago that December is the hardest month for most of us. Winter causes us to slow down (in the Northern Hemisphere) and the holiday treats are everywhere. This is the thread where you may need to come back often and congratulate yourself for avoiding hazards at work, in the marketplace, and your own impulses to create sugary treats this time of year.

Aim for savory, for protein, less sweet, fewer carbs. Think about the mature pleasure found in a good slice of cheese on a whole-grain cracker instead of the cloying sweetness of fudge or divinity. Have good quality fruits around to treat yourself to a few apple or orange slices instead of more peppermint bark. Get out the olives, pickles, pickled herring, and smoked salmon instead of the sugar cookies and candy canes.

I read an article in the Huffington Post today that gave some good tips about avoiding the holiday weight gain, so I've added it here to start this month's thread.

Kat and Michelle have asked that we recognize (or ask about) the time they spend with their Qi Gong and Yoga each day, to help inspire them to keep it up. They probably have the best chance of making it through the month without weight gain because they already have this as a routine, so keep it up and inspire the rest of us, you two!

I wrapped up the month of November with a wonderful visit with a dear friend, and I hope to keep up that kind of conversation with friends and loved ones during December. Along with sharing love with them, we need to (as is probably cliche as hell) love ourselves as well. That's where the discipline around junk food and the regular exercise are very important. You're doing it for yourself and for your loved ones.

Onward into the next month, and try to keep the clutter temporary (decorative) and good for the spirit.