The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141848   Message #3266757
Posted By: katlaughing
01-Dec-11 - 12:06 PM
Thread Name: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
Subject: RE: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
Meditation followed by qi gong this morning. I really like the routine I am getting into. I actually crave the quiet time and the physical, as well as spiritual aspects, of qi gong. Good stuff, I am really feeling the physical effects. My feet hurt less whilst standing during the movements and it is easier to stand up from a sitting position. Best of all is the mental effect - that self-love SRS mentioned. Instead of a running, inner commentary beating myself up for doing nothing or not enough, I have thoughts of positive reinforcement.

One thing I also added is a visual reminder. At the bottom of my monitor, I have a "ticker tape" piece of paper taped on which says:

"LESS WEIGHT = EVERYTHING FEELING BETTER: Happy Knees, Feet, Shoulders, Arms, Kidneys, Heart, Lungs!"

It's a constant reminder as I am at the computer so much throughout the day.

One load of wash in. Now I am off to CDBaby to upload my brother's concert tracks and get him going with online sales. Yesterday, I worked a full day of PC and telephone time for both his stuff and mine, personal and business. Lots got done!