The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141848   Message #3266994
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
01-Dec-11 - 06:48 PM
Thread Name: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
Subject: RE: Declutter & Fitness November 2011
Interesting post, mg. I copied it so I can look at it more closely when my brain is working better.

SRS: Wonderful to be able to meet with a traveling friend at the airport!

Andrea, it is hard when the end is in sight but not here yet!

Glazing on Tuesday was a lengthy process but it got done and the firing went ahead. Weds was an adventure day. I actually felt badly that R missed it. Having begun to feel the need for more honey (lots of cranberry sauce needs lots of honey) I was asking around where to get some. Finally, dunce that I am, I looked at the label on the old jar and googled it, found the address and mapped it. Aha.

So off I went - on the way to the country to check the kiln. It took 3 hours instead of one but was well worth it! Out a different hghwy to a different thrift shop where I managed to get two pairs of much needed running shoes for R.

Then onward, following directions which took me onto a lovely side road along a huge lake - after crossing a long bridge over this Lake of Two Mountains. It became very rural and I arrived at a farm with a Miellerie (honey shop). The woman in the nearby house told me she would phone her son and he would be here very soon. He arrived in a very few minutes and I purchased two large jars (2 kg each) - one of clover and one of buckwheat - and a piece of comb for a special treat. A lovely experience.

Then wended my way south, hoping I was getting back to the route to the country. A short stint on a major hghwy, then more water! I followed a side road, avoiding the route past the wasteland of box stores. Lovely old homes, cottages dating from the 1930s & 40s and a variety of domiciles, some dating from the early 1800s. Then across another long bridge and I was almost there. Rivers, lakes and canals all over the place! The last crossing was over the nearby Riviere des Anglais.

Well, the kiln was almost cool enough to unload so I opened it and had lunch, then unloaded - 34 out of 35 mugs were lovely. What a relief! The chore done, I wrote some more raccoon stuff and an essay on a view of prison sentences. I believe there is no such thing as a short prison term ---- except that we shall never feel safe if the man who attacked R last year gets out of jail. It is a conundrum for me. I sent it off to editor of Canadian Friend - to use or not. It was good to get those writings off my mind. Writing as therapy.

Today, I passed the raccoon stuff on to Raccoon Network members who are working on ways to effectively improve the PR of raccoons and protest a major "coon hunt" to be held in April - in the middle of birthing season, it would leave lots of infants o starve to death.

This morning I photographed the various mugs - seven different glaze combos - for marketing purposes. Then spent two hours trying to figure out how to download the pics until I finally found a customer support number and a nice woman who gave me the directions - now written down. They are not great pics but I managed to prepare a paper with little pics so the store can easily mark down what sells. Also edited pics of the gorge we visited last month and prepared a slide show for R to see tonight. Memories of a wonderful fall day.

I had meant to take the pots to the shop today but by the time I sorted out the picture problem, I had had it. Tomorrow - pots to shop and time at library. Then to the country for music and an open house on Sat at a marvellous B&B on the edge of Riviere des Anglais. The owner won every first in flower arrangement at the fair this summer! We also need to put the clay and glazes into that freezer which we decided to move into the studio - on wheels so it can be moved out of the way or near the kiln for added heat. The weather is getting seriously freezing this weekend. Then R needs to come back to the city to work.

The artist who did the driftwood violin sent me pics of a piano she constructed out of driftwood!!!!

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