The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141680   Message #3266999
Posted By: MorwenEdhelwen1
01-Dec-11 - 06:54 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Cunmar the Accursed (Brittany)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Cunmar the Accursed (Brittany)
I mean Bluebeard, of course, not Cunmar the Accursed. BTW, I'm starting to wonder whether some of the animal bridegroom Bluebeard tales, like Mr. Fox, may represent a sort of folk memory of Cunmar the Accursed and his punishment. Mr. Fox is probably an implied lycanthrope. "No-one knew who he was", but he seems to be wealthy and in the rural setting and social circle of the tale, everyone probably knows who everyone else is. Cunmar the Accursed was a descendant of Conan Meriadoc, who came originally from Dumnonia, an ancient British kingdom which covered part of Northern England. Since the Mr. Fox tale is from England, this could fit. It wouldn't be a certainty of course, but seems plausible.