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Thread #141413   Message #3267118
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
02-Dec-11 - 12:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Occupy Wall Street; The 99%
Subject: RE: BS: Occupy Wall Street; The 99%
Bobert: "Of course you don't... You are not remotely associated with the progressive side of the isle..."

and: "The people who were out saying "We want to take our country back" weren't talking about bankers or Wall Street... They were talking about progressives and, more specifically, a black president..."

Bobert, If they, let's say the Tea Party, was saying that("We want to take our country back")..then why do you think they rallied, and some still do, around Herman Cain?

I think they were more concerned about bigger, out of control government, and more taxes, along with a concern that we, as a country, were headed 'in the wrong direction'. The farther they were to the 'right', the more they were also dissatisfied with generic Republicans...and they also put quite a bit of pressure on the Republicans, and Republican congress.
I don't think they were even remotely aware that Obama was a shill for Wall Street...though, Obama was mixed, because it appeared that he was also an ideologue.

I used the word 'think'(above), because I've ALWAYS thought Obama was inept, and won the election, after he was risen to 'celebrity' status.

My thrust has ALWAYS been the 'CORRUPTION'....(if you remember), and ALWAYS likened Congress and the Senate, as 'so-called Representatives'...even called them 'Brokers', used car salesmen,(and other such things) to denote that they were frauds! My posted history bears this out DISTINCTLY!!!..matter of fact, even argued about it with YOU!..and I've said NUMEROUS times that the CORRUPTION extended to BOTH much, that the letters 'C-O-R-R-U-P-T-I-O-N', and' B-O-T-H P-A-R-T-I-E-S' are worn out on my keyboard!!

As to Don, (nicely)well, you know me, and I guess I'll just have to say it again.......about Obama....I was RIGHT again!...but that's no so much due to having a preference, as to a candidate(I thought McCain was a crooked, sold out, piece of shit, as well)..It had more to do with being a musician/composer/and counselor, and focusing on 'an objectivity'...and calling it how I saw it. I REALLY have NO partisan preference!!...That's why, when you asked me, who I thought would be a good ticket, I answered back to you a Kucinich/Paul or Paul Kucinich ticket would be interesting..NOT BECAUSE of their 'politics'(if you remember), but they seemed to be a bit more honest, though I DID question Kucinich's reversal on the 'heath care' debacle.
Now that the 'Occupiers' have raised their 'concerns' about Wall Street, now the Wall Street/Washington connection of defrauding the American public, has, at least a chance of being looked at!(Note all my links earlier when Congress was grilling the Fed's chairman and legal counsel).
(I just shove back, when someone accuses me of adopting the 'right', or Tea Party, or Fox News, etc. etc., stance on it....and gets nasty about it).....

As to Jack the Sailor: "BOBERT!! Will you please stop making this thread the Beg for Sanity show!!!"

Ohhh, silly you!...what's the matter??....You don't like 'sanity'?...

Old Arabian saying: "Neither reality, nor the sun can be looked at, for very long."

Hey!....Nice exchanges!(Constructive, too!)