The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26881   Message #326776
Posted By: Little Hawk
25-Oct-00 - 03:00 AM
Thread Name: Complete BS: Star Wars Names
Subject: RE: Complete BS: Star Wars Names
How about Geomar Fato? Sounds like one of those oddball characters...maybe a trader or a guy who runs a droid repair shop or a smuggling depot or something. Let's say I have this really wild hairdo that sticks out all over, kinda tangly, but there's this silver plate thing on my forehead, and some radio headphone kinda radar things on the side of my head. I've got re-e-e-e-ely long arms that hang almost to the ground which is handy for strangling customers who cheat. I have a sign up on the wall which says "The customer is always WRONG!" People come in, stare at it, and some of them say nothing, while others say "I think you made a mistake on your sign." I reply, "You're WRONG." That usually shuts them up, and we go on to do business...MY way.

I lie like a rug, and cheat like a Carpelian whore.

Geomar Fato. Remember that name, Han Solo...

Ha! Ha!

2nd VERSION: Jay-Omar Coto

I like it. Interplanetary adventurer, Coto delivers secret communiques for the rebel forces, while supposedly engaging in trade along the outer reaches of the Empire. He looks rakishly handsome, and rather like a Cheyenne warrior transplanted into a starship trooper's gear. He is familiar with certain Kremalian techniques of telepathy and thought manipulation, sufficient to generally deal with dull-witted Imperial stormtroopers. He also collects back issues of Mudcat Wars, a comic that is popular in the Empire about an alien music forum in some parallel universe...