The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141848   Message #3267947
Posted By: wysiwyg
03-Dec-11 - 02:59 PM
Thread Name: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
Subject: RE: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
Our huge pot is an old, FreeCycled-in speckled canner (dented) that we use as a spare slopsink to augment our single, stainless kitchen sink. Great for soaking dirty dishes, etc., to keep sink relatively empty till time to load dishwasher. The two big lids (for that canner plus the last one's lid) are hung in the porch, twisting in the wind, as a silent bird deterrent. Belly to belly they make a large disk that is eye candy for porch-sitters. (It warns momma birdies not to nest near the nearby BBQ that will soon cause them to abandon the nest.)

BTW the PT agrees that estimating and tracking activity level by resulting pain levels is sensible.

11/31 3
12/1 3
12/2 1 front
12/3 2 back
12/3 1
