The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141742   Message #3268225
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
04-Dec-11 - 07:15 AM
Thread Name: Occupy Folk Music! (USA)
Subject: RE: Occupy Folk Music! (USA)
Don't like naming names. I tend to think we're all part of the same movement -even if some people think they have folk music to themselves.

I would rather we arrived at some sort of re focussing.

the results are plain for everyone to see. Half the 'big' names on say the Cambridge style are people that when kids try to emulate and feel inspired by them - they would be dismissed as 'not really folk music'. Certainly they wouldn't get played by your local friendly folk programme. Whereas even the direst versions of he Dorset four hand reel, or the Masons Apron seem to get an airing.

'I am old, I old, I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled....'

I haven't a clue what to do about it. If some people think they can re-occupy folk music with the general population. Well its worth a try....but I wouldn't give tuppenece for your chances Steve, when as you can see.... the traddies are going Crisis, what crisis....? WE'RE happy - you should be!