The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141392   Message #3268340
Posted By: GUEST,SteveG
04-Dec-11 - 12:51 PM
Thread Name: Harry Clifton again
Subject: RE: Harry Clifton again
It would be helpful if you could please identify yourself. We have had at least 3 descendants on previous threads. Are you one of these?

That information you have already given is extremely useful and fascinating. Do you have further information? With so much interest in his life from all sorts of angles it would be useful to link all interested parties and share information. My own main strength is I have a largish collection of original sheet music and I have attempted to date these. We were unaware that Harry had a second wife. It would be interesting to relate the songs he wrote about marriage to specific people, if that is indeed the case, which is what I'd assumed. Do you know the date of his first wife's death and the date of his second marriage?