The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141848   Message #3268973
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
05-Dec-11 - 06:14 PM
Thread Name: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
Subject: RE: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
Would you believe?! SO I entered a phone number and pressed talk: A cheery male voice said, "Quinn's farm, come to our weekend sleigh ride....! Me: "Oh dear, I seem to have a wrong number.... I was trying to make an appointment for an oil change." "Oh, there is one digit difference. But come on out to our... We have a craft fair..." Oh, I'm a potter." "I think we already have a potter. I'll check. but bring some pots out and we can take them on consignment...."

So, I shall do that later this week after a trip to the country to fetch the pots - on a day that does not threaten icy roads. I will do it in conjunction with trip to thrift shop out that way. Cannot get oil change until 20th as they are busy putting on winter tires. Did that!!

Black beans in slow cooker for more of very useful black bean/salsa mix. We keep finding more ways to use it: on salad as a "dressing", with morning eggs for mexican breakfast with guacamole and yogurt (instead of sour cream), as soup, spread on toast. Good stuff!

Added lighting to LR and cleared a lot of chaff from the desk - now that I can see it. Room for sewing machine also.

As we come closer to the winter solstice (16 days), I am already looking forward to days getting longer! Rainy today with dropping temperature and dark about 4:30! That extra light in the LR sure makes a difference!

Our Raccoon Network is working on a video to get across message that raccoons are sentient beings that do not deserve to be torn apart by coon dogs. I am spending time thinking about where this needs to go and coming up with good words/captions as we all encourage our video person and look for ways to get more groups involved. Lots of time on-line reading others ideas. Looking for music and choosing pics.

My #1 son is 53 today! The same sweet guy he has been from birth. The unreality of time.

I am feeling ongoing improvement in physical energy/well-being and cheerfulness. I suspect the magnesium deficiency must have been long term and continues to be rectified by the small extra mag each day. I do see a dif if I forget for one day. Sure feels good!

Groceries and banking this morning.