The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141848   Message #3269161
Posted By: Penny S.
06-Dec-11 - 06:08 AM
Thread Name: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
Subject: RE: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
Dorothy, that does sound like a planned wrong number, doesn't it?

I turned on my computer for some reason, which I cannot remember, having checked ebay - loom still not sent - and poked around here.

There's a haematite and quartz crystal bracelet over at Oxfam, which I am thinking about. These bracelets are strung on elastic, which I think is insulting to real stone! I've run out of glass bugles, though, so may have to buy some more. I started using them when I realised that people would not pay enough to cover the price of liquid silver beads. Oxfam would not be able to charge enough for that. They get costume stuff that other stores have not sold, and they have a low price. My stuff has to be better, but not vastly more expensive, to make it worth while.

While I'm waiting for money to come in, it means I can give to appeals for various disasters to some extent. I'm running out of spare yarn, though, and the odd balls in the shop are not colours I fancy working with. Besides, I'm waiting for the loom to arrive to do things with some of what I have. I'm not very pleased with the seller.
