The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141848   Message #3269445
Posted By: wysiwyg
06-Dec-11 - 03:29 PM
Thread Name: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
Subject: RE: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
The FreeCycle of my sister's first give-away furniture has evolved into a neat thing. The recipient:

Dear Birth Mother (2005)
Listen! RealAudio • MP3 at

After waiting for Mr. Right (who has yet to arrive) – and after years of fertility treatments – Suzanne, a single woman in her forties, decided to adopt. She chose transracial adoption. We follow her through workshops designed to "teach white people to raise kids of color," baby-shopping trips with Mom at Target, a critical rendezvous with a young mother at a pancake house, and, finally, a magical night at a suburban restaurant chain. We followed Suzanne for several months as she waited to see if she would become a parent; she offered extraordinary access into her home, and really, into every aspect of her life. We first met Suzanne in 2004, and documented her last in vitro fertilization attempt in Long Haul's Babyquest. If you've listened to Dear Birth Mother, see a photo. (Warning: it will reveal the ending.). Winner of the 2005 Third Coast International Audio Festival Gold Award for best radio documentary, and recipient of an honorable mention in the 2006 Casey Medals for Meritorious Journalism Awards.

I've seen the current pix of child with birthsibs. Suzanne has maintained a great relationship with birthmom; the furniture is going to birthmom's large family, which is doing great as birthmom continues to move upwards in her life.

