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Thread #141810   Message #3269462
Posted By: RangerSteve
06-Dec-11 - 04:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: TV series from the '50s and '60s
Subject: RE: BS: TV series from the '50s and '60s
A few random thoughts, Someone mentioned "Thriller" with Boris Karloff - they're available on DVD - I have the entire series. The show still holds up pretty well.

Variety shows: Tuesday night was reserved for Red Skelton and Gary Moore. As far as my neighborhood was concerned, there was nothing on the other channels on Tues. night. Moore's show had a dream cast - Derwood Kirby, Marion Lorne, and Carol Burnett. And on Wed. there was the Danny Kaye Show.

I didn't see any mention of Captain Kangaroo - I grew up with him. I even got to shake his hand once, back in the days when TV celebrities would attend supermarket grand openings.

I'd get up at 6am on Saturday mornings, just to catch the old b&w cartoons - especially the ones with the farmer who was always plagued by millions of mice. And Heckle and Jekyll, and Mighty Mouse.

I loved Amos and Andy - I never thought less of black people because of that show, they were no more insulting to blacks than "Life of Riley" or "The Honeymooners" were to whites. I had a black co-worker who also loved the show, and I asked her what the difference was between A&A and "The Jeffersons", and she said it was ok for George Jefferson to be a buffoon because he was rich. Had Amos and ANdy been wealthy, the show would have stayed on the air longer.

Burns and Allen, in my opinion, is the best TV show ever made.

A few adventure shows geared towards kids that I haven't seen mentioned: Jungle Jim; Sheena, Queen of the Jungle; Brave Eagle (or was it Bold Eagle?), Ramar of the Jungle.

I love watching the Twilight Zone for the chance to see now-famous actors before they were famous. A classic has Charles Bronson and Elizabeth Montgomery - two people who would never be mentioned in the same sentence had it not been for that episode.

Some trivia - Gladys Pierce and Marion Lorne both one posthumous Emmy awards for their rolls on "Bewitched". Smiley Burnett was the engineer on Petticoat Junction, Pat Buttram was Mr. Haney on Green Acres, both played Gene Autrey's sidekicks in the movies.