The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141848   Message #3270507
Posted By: Jeri
08-Dec-11 - 11:08 AM
Thread Name: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
Subject: RE: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
Bizarre weather. It rained like crazy last night and I had dripping in my fireplace, then the wind picked up sometime during the morning and the power went off for about a second. This morning, one bird feeder was on the ground and one young female cardinal was sitting on the pole and looking around like "I coulda sworn it was just here... had seeds and suet and stuff in it. Where the heck did it go?"

It unscrewed itself and part was right under the feeder with the food rings by it and the top was close to the road. I can't blame the squirrels anymore. Maybe the mourning doves have found a way to unscrew the base by doing the "running man" on it... "everyday I'm shuffellin"... itty bitty little iPods. I put the seed rings back in, screwed it together again and added some seed in the dish. Eveerytime I go near the feeder, chickadees scold me with that whiney "chirp, chirp, for f's sake CHIRP", occasionally flying away with a "SONovaB". I don't like it when the birds swear at me. The nuthatches just sort of say "yeah... huh?... what? food... go... now... huh?" There's a reason they call those birds "nuthaches".

And my across the street neighbor (they're great neighbors) got two fresh rescue dogs. He's now up to FOUR Australian Shepherds, which may be the craziest breed of dog on earth. They try to herd birds. Not the nuthatches, though. They're too buys walking upside down on the trunk trying to remember where they stuck that sunflower seed. "where?... huh?... whoops... nope... there...

I need to go to the gym.