The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141848   Message #3270782
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
08-Dec-11 - 08:18 PM
Thread Name: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
Subject: RE: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
I figured out the lethargy problem - am taking care of it. And this evening, in my clean and clear kitchen, I am going to assemble the mother of all lasagnas to take to work tomorrow. It's our holiday luncheon. I have to get a gift for a coworker- I haven't a clue what to get this woman. Maybe a gift card - so uninspired, but I don't really know her tastes.

The third disc in the Jewel In the Crown series arrived yesterday, and I'll put that in the kitchen computer and watch it while I work. I suspect this kitchen TV on the wall is over time going to get more use than my bigger fancy one in the living room.

Zeke is coming over tomorrow morning. Susie is headed out of town and staying with a couple of friends, but one of them doesn't have a setup to handle a large dog, so he'll hang out here with the girls. They love it. He's getting used to this being a home away from home - he got out of the house earlier this week and Susie went looking for him - she found him here in my front yard. He hadn't gotten over to the side gate yet or the girls would have let me know he was here.

Off to my evening of cooking. If I have extra ingredients I'll of course make myself a lasagna for freezing.