The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141848   Message #3271028
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
09-Dec-11 - 10:44 AM
Thread Name: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
Subject: RE: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
One thing about having an overage of stuff around the house is that you have it there to choose from for small gifts for coworkers. I had a box of lovely olive oil soap unopened in the hall bathroom (I bought it for my son to use last summer, but he spent most of the break at his dad's house and with friends.) Saves me a side trip this morning.

Our office has kind of lost steam with several vacant positions. The library dean, an accountant, a secretary, and this week, our reception person who was also an HR clerk. No one stepped forward to provide what amounts to the main dish, so I offered to bring lasagna. Of all of the things I could make, this is easiest because I had all of the ingredients here. If I hadn't had such an early frost I'd have used much of this in making and freezing casseroles for myself because the garden was perking along when it was struck down.

This weekend I'll sort my decorating stuff - Susie gave me a Norfolk pine because she doesn't like me not having a "real" tree - but I do sometimes go get one on xmas eve at the local nursery. I offer a low amount and they accept it because the day after it has no value. Better something than nothing. And I end up with one of those $250 trees that way.

Do all of you have trees, real or artificial? Other decorations? I always decorate my mantle, and the last couple of years I put up lots of crystal bowls, pitchers, plates, vases, goblets, etc and put glass ornaments in them. I have some up-lights on top of the mantle so it sparkles wonderfully!