The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11832   Message #3271323
Posted By: GUEST
09-Dec-11 - 11:20 PM
Thread Name: Req: Kishmals/Kushmels/Kishmul's/Kishmael's Galley
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Kishmals/Kushmels/Kishmul's Galley
Latha dhomh am Beinn a' Cheathaich
Air fal-il-o ho-ri-o-hu
Gu'n deach bàta Chloinn Neill seachad
O-hi-o-hu-o fail-uo
B'ait leam do bhàta 'si gabhail
Air fal-il-ho ho-rin-o-ho '
Mach ò dhùthaich Mhic 'Illeathain
O-hi-o-hu-o fail-uo
'Steach gu Ciosmul an aigheir
Air fal-il-ho ho-rin-o-ho
Far am faighteadh cuirm ri gabhail
O-hi-o-hu-o fail-uo
Fion ò oidhche 'gus an latha
Fal-li-o-hu oiou
Is clarsach bhinn 'ga gleusadh mar ris
O-hi-o-hu-o fail-uo

One day I was on the misty mountain
Air fal-il-o ho-ri-o-hu
Clann MacNeill's boat went past
O-hi-o-hu-o fail-uo
I loved to see your boat on its journey
Air fal-il-o ho-ri-o-ho
Out from the MacLean Country
O-hi-o-hu-o fail-uo
Into Kishmul of the mirth
Air fal-il-ho ho-rin-o-ho
Where there will be feasts to be had
o-hi-o-hu-o fal-il-o
wine from night to day
Air fal-il-ho ho-rin-o-ho
And the sweet harp serenading
O-hi-o-hu-o fail-uo