The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140796   Message #3272078
Posted By: katlaughing
11-Dec-11 - 12:15 PM
Thread Name: Art Thieme-UPDATE - 20 March 2012
Subject: RE: Art Thieme-UPDATE - They Have a Phone!!
I spoke to Art, last night, also. His voice was a little raspy which he said is due to medications and the dryness there. I never knew anywhere in Illinois could be so dry. :-) He did sound relieved and said they were doing is best as could be. He said Carol is doing well although she still has pain in her new knee and the other one. The place they are in is much better than the last. It sounds as though it was a bit of a nightmare.

I told him the original title of this thread was about him possibly losing his "bird" which got a chuckle out of him. As it is, he said he only lost part of the finger. The real trouble apparently was the infection and getting rid of it. Unfortunately he said the medicines they had to give him exacerbated the MS. He is doing better now, though, in a wheelchair, but looking at getting a scooter! He said they have friends that live only two or three blocks away, so with the scooter maybe he could go over and visit.

He said folks have just been wonderful and to tell you all how very much he appreciates you and your care and concern for him and Carol.

I didn't want to wear him out and it was almost supper time for him so we said goodbye for now.
