The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141894 Message #3272718
Posted By: Gurney
12-Dec-11 - 03:58 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: 'the town itself has moved uphill'
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'the town itself has moved uphill'
Brum ee jum. In the vernacular, Brum for short. We had a thread on it a couple of years ago. My contribution to the thread was to point out that in the Doomsday Book, in that area, one of the several villages that no longer exist was called Brymwitcham, something like that.
For the benefit of 999, may I invite contributions from Poms as to what you call that great city? Mine is from Nuneaton, 20mls away, but is general for all the midlands conurbation. From Derbyshire, my Gran called it Burningum, an old mispronunciation.