The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26790   Message #327276
Posted By: Richard Bridge
25-Oct-00 - 06:06 PM
Thread Name: PMRC
Subject: RE: PMRC
You want to know about the video rating schemes? Just watch what the UK did. It took from the Video Recordings Act 1979 to court judgments this year just to get the range of things that were banned (via categorisation and excusion from categorisation)reduced.

You want to know about music control? I was involved in a folk club which the local council asked to move to its theatre. Then they asked us to sign a contract to say (amongst other things) that any performance would be immediately terminated on the request of any council employee who thought any part of the content might be offensive to anyone. I told them that folk music (amongst other things) told the stories of 600 years of rape, murder, exploitation and war.

And yes, I do have a rather absolute view about people like Mrs Mary Whitehouse.