The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26790   Message #327288
Posted By: JedMarum
25-Oct-00 - 06:24 PM
Thread Name: PMRC
Subject: RE: PMRC
Alex - I understand that PMRC was not about banning music, their intention was to have it categorized so that standards could be set as to who could purchase it, where it could be played and ultimately who restrict those could hear it. My agrument stands. I don't need the givernment to protect me from the 'bad' things my neighbor or some perfomer might say. I had no problem teaching my kids how to cope with unpleasantness, nastiness, or for that matter; evil. I do not believe it takes a community to bring up my kids. I do not believe the government has business making those choices for me.

Yes I have kids; grown now. I did not have to have lessons with them, aimed at understanding the bad things they might have herad from some of the records they brought home and listened to (in their own space). Morality is caught, not taught. They were well equipped to make those decisions without my intervention, and if they weren;t I was quite well prepared to step in and take any remedial actions required. I did not need Tipper or any other Washington Wiper of Other People's Noses to force their opinion on my household.