The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141848   Message #3273404
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
13-Dec-11 - 09:31 PM
Thread Name: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
Subject: RE: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
Drove R down to courthouse in old Montreal and then wended my way along the waterfront admiring the old buildings. Watched trash for lamp shade frames. Did not go for groceries - need nothing. Made supper at lunch time but lunch did not happen until 3 pm. I was going to ask R to take me down to the market and I would walk back but it was too late in day by then. I started out earlier to walk there but it was spitting and drismal. Watered plants, edited an article and sent it of after responding to email from editor/friend. Making plans to meet wildlife rehab friends in southern Quebec - they come up from NYS. - in near future. Opened a file for another article to see if inspiration comes.

Ate too many cookies and feel sick. Fat inhibits production of insulin and water is an excellent antidote for too much sugar but this is different. It is as though I want to taste of eating this stuff but my body does not want it in my gut. Curious. I eat so well and then spoil it with the cookies or choc both of which have started only recently to cause me to feel slightly nauseous and I know it but do it anyway. That is so self-defeating. I want something to munch or I want choc? I have not yet found a substitute munchy. List: toast with tahini; toast with nutella - triggers chocaholism; carrots- too sweet; celery - I HATE!; yogurt and granola. That's two - post on frig in big letters. All fruit makes me hungry. Cheese - I want MORE and it's high fat. low fat cheese -ICK.

No, SRS, no goal. I never thought it would take so long but I really need to be more disciplined about detoxing. I do not have nearly enough to DO. So I fall into a kind of stupor and really do nothing. This is not good. When I was running to the country to do pots, it was better - but I sure did not lose weight! I made a financial decision to stop during the cold weather - gas for car and heat for studio. May not be the best mental health, or even physical health option. Need to look a it again. I prefer to detox there also. Important factor. I do not consider staying there overnight; R is working so hard now, I like to be here for him; he likes me to be here for him.

Supposed to be sunny tomorrow. Another excursion would be nice.

Interesting posts and links on FB. The one about hunters shooting kids in Texas elicited comments and responses.

Just remembered that I started putting ink in printer and then did not finish. Do that and have a bowl of left-over veggies.