The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142114   Message #3273746
Posted By: wysiwyg
14-Dec-11 - 01:49 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Meet
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Meet
Zipcode 16933, just off the highway. It's another 2 hours or so to State College where I believe Max is still based these days. Might be we'd take us a ride over thataway too, depending on timing.

Hardi's car holds 4 comfortably, or 3 passengers can share the roomy back seat if they're friendly. (Room for axes in back and me in front).

Mudcatter LilyFestre also lives in the area here and Mmario is a few hours north (have bedspace for him if desired). Dick and Susan have been known to visit periodically (have their usual bedspace avaifor them but no longer dog-free unless they want the new, improved attic room they used once).

Cot-space at the church and a bedroom there LH may recall, too.
