The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141848   Message #3274221
Posted By: wysiwyg
15-Dec-11 - 12:04 PM
Thread Name: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
Subject: RE: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
11/31 3
12/1 3
12/2 1 front
12/3 2 back
12/3 1
12/3 at walking limit, all in house chores
12/5 1
12/6 1 front plus chair carry-in
12/7 much walking
12/13 much walking
12/14 1 front, 3 back, much walking in house chores, driveway cleanup, fetch mail
12/15 1 back, fetched mail from box (box just back YAY), carried 6 trips of wood left from construx crew-- all in equiv. of 2 pound ankle weights (each).


In hockey they say "good things happen when you go to the net." This is twice now that "good things happen when I go to the yard." Today's good thing was not only wood salvaged, but also a delightful visit with our mail carrier who used to live in this house as a child, when it had a totally different layout. We had a nice chat about the reetny-moved housemate. :~)

As far as activity feedback for what should be a normal trip and chore for me.... WITH the med I can barely make it to the road and back. The GOAL is to be able to SNOWBLOW that entire long driveway-- my half of the chore as agreed with Hardi when we bought the blower. Meds that interfere with that activity-- and do no measurable good-- are not good meds. I found the doc back in Chicagoland who first monitored my BP. I wish I had remembered him while I was just THERE and gone to see him, but I will be asking the doc today to do a phone consult with him-- he was pretty conservative in his meds approach, is a faculty doc, and they will play well.
