The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142137   Message #3275379
Posted By: Teribus
17-Dec-11 - 07:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Unlawful detention by US
Subject: RE: BS: Unlawful detention by US
Are they sure that they are talking about the right man?

Reprieve here in the UK are hammering on about someone captured in Baghdad in February 2004, who was subsequently sent to Afghanistan about a month later.

Meanwhile Reprieve's partner organisation in Pakistan (the JPP) are challenging the "rendition" of seven Pakistani citizens (one of the named being Yunus Rahmatullah who was arrested by Pakistani Authorities and sent to Bagram in 2003

All the above from's website. So which one is it folks - can't be both.

As to why a Sunni Muslim, a member of LET, may be in a taxi with a Shia Muslim on a Shia pilgrimage in Baghdad in 2004 is a good question and one that could have a number of explanations not many of them being innocent.

AFAIK stated Richard - is that now the established "gospel" that can in no way be challenged.

The circumstances and detail relating to this mans arrest and capture I have seen no-where. So far all we have heard is Reprieve's version of events.