The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141848   Message #3275811
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
18-Dec-11 - 12:57 AM
Thread Name: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
Subject: RE: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
I printed out a mudcat recipe for shortbread. Bert, thank you, it's really wonderful! I'll measure those weights and write it down (we American cooks are used to cups, not pounds). I reduced it to a small batch (based upon a 1/2 pound of butter) and have some of the resulting rectangular cut-outs in a food storage box. While I worked I watched a Fred Astaire and Betty Hutton musical I've never seen before (streaming via NetFlix on the television mounted on the kitchen wall). I'll finish watching it later - it is predictable, but a little odd. These must have been second-string songs. There is probably a story behind this one.

A big push tomorrow. eBay and those playbills. Lots of research and listings ahead. I'll delay listings so they don't land on xmas eve or day, but the day after, when people may have eBay cash to spend (or spare time to search for things they collect).

Susan, I hope you continue to feel better, more clear-headed. Kat, keep up the gentle exercise. Andrea, keep moving stuff into the new kitchen where you can - xmas will be upon is in no time! Maryanne, are you out making snow angels yet? Sinsull, seems to me your office did some interesting stuff last year at holiday time. What are you doing now?

Kat: Did Morgan come over to help you at all this weekend? Have we told you lately what a great grandma you are? I never met my grandparents - any of them - and am the poorer for it. I envy him the rich life he has, with you there to offer your guidance in addition to what he experiences at home. I hope that during his holiday break he's able to work on some kind of drawing or craft that you might be able to send out to his various Mudcat Aunties. Hint hint! Have you seen some of the strips of colored paper that are cut out in a very elongated triangle that are rolled into beads with glue to hold them together? I bet that some of us would love something like that, if he'd care to make them. How about junk mail or magazine page beads?