The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142137   Message #3276229
Posted By: Richard Bridge
18-Dec-11 - 06:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Unlawful detention by US
Subject: RE: BS: Unlawful detention by US
There was argument that the first MoU had lapsed. It was not determined that it had done so.

The rest of your post is not up to your usual standards of clarity. Perhaps you wish to revisit it.

I should appreciate the origin of your alleged quote.   I might be more impressed if you recognised that "jihad" has a number of meanings within Islam and the mainstream meaning is the struggle for self improvement.

I have seen no challenge to the common perception that (even if, which is not admitted, Yunus Rahmatullah - the one the subject of the judgement of the UK court of Appeal - was intending to be a terrorist when first captured) his physical and mental health after his long confinement and torture are now such that he could no longer be so.