The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141848   Message #3277262
Posted By: wysiwyg
20-Dec-11 - 03:05 PM
Thread Name: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
Subject: RE: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability

11/31 3
12/1 3
12/2 1 front
12/3 2 back
12/3 1
12/3 at walking limit, all in house chores
12/5 1
12/6 1 front plus chair carry-in
12/7 much walking
12/13 much walking
12/14 1 front, 3 back, much walking in house chores, driveway cleanup, fetch mail
12/15 1 back, fetched mail from box (box just back YAY), carried 6 trips of wood left from construx crew-- all in equiv. of 2 pound ankle weights (each).
12/16 PT clinic (Jay), lower body at limit, new eval/functional goals w/MJ (housecleaning, snowblowing)
12/16 MEDS SLASHED, new activity/nutrition approved by doc, monthly visits planned to monitor with new "OPTIMAL" benchmarks (PT acronym)
12/16 1 front, plus walking/lifting at limit moving more wood. A little more than ydy's walk/lift/move wood (negligible difference); one big diff was I could work till throat burned. Much walking w/GKB
12/17 front 1, mail; moved CardioGlide and chose new upper body program
12/18 some walking, meds still processing out; a bedtime chore that is usually impossible was reasonably breathable-- still lost breath but got the job done first
12/19 1 plus 2 front, mail (breaking in new clogs); January/February doc appts set up
12/20 1 plus PT clinic (flunked treadmill) for new PT plan/our-pool Rx

Last night (paying bills), we found the paper the PT clinic had lost in their digital system, so I will take it for them to scan-- it's "only" the baseline from which the doc and I want to work all winter! ;~)

"Our" pool is still under heavy construction all around it, but the pool itself is open for, most likely, the worst of the winter. Due to my meds having been so high, I missed a big chunk of membership time; we have been given an extension that will let us take a good hard look at our fitness plan and THEN allocate the bucks right after the first.

Friends we adore happened to be there when I stopped in at the pool; we decided that there will be a DougFire here (they'll co-host and provide scrap wood; we'll provide location and stuff)-- just a little after 12th Night. Due to normal clergy scheduling, and their travel plans, we decided to call it "Twelvish Night" and make it an outdoor campfire/indoor toasting thingie-- FUN!
