The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26737   Message #327733
Posted By: InOBU
26-Oct-00 - 10:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Justice in the USA
Subject: RE: BS: Justice in the USA
Hi Sisters and Brothers
I have been up driving for 30 hours, so I am a little punchy, however, just dropped by to post a lyric request and saw this, and had to make a point and a suggestion. Point, an inordinate number of innocent people have been exicuted in the US, including Willie Franis, who was exicuted twice! survived his first electrocution to declaire God had recognised his innocence, the Sup Ct. then said Florida could try again, the did, and he died, and then was found innocent, there a too many cases like that, death is irreversable and there is no justification for the state making that kind of error, and as long as there is a death penality suck errors will happen, and the suggestion. Aparthide in Africa and Philladelphia was ended by well organised boycotts. How bout a boycott of every nation and state that murders under the color of law? Sounds good to me!
Night all,