The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141848   Message #3277528
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
20-Dec-11 - 09:35 PM
Thread Name: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
Subject: RE: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
Reconnected R's phone to bluetooth for safer driving. Bro screwed the previous connection, messing with the phone.
Also did mine so it can be used if he is driving - and if we remember to change the bluetooth from truck to car.
Took car for servicing today. Took ALL afternoon and cost twice what I expected. Arghhh!
On the way, I thought to go see the Quinn Farm which has a craft shop and sounds interesting. Maybe I can put pots there on consignment next year. It took a stop for directions but I found it. It was closed but maybe I can go back on Friday if R can manage it cause, once again, it was an adventure of a little winding road along a large body of water with some interesting old houses and a really neat barn with a roof that turned up at the edges in the way of the old Quebec houses. Never saw a barn like that.
The assist service manager was excited to hear about the honey farm I went to and gave me a lecture about using maple syrup or honey instead of sugar - which I always do but he is so sweet and enthusiastic.
Made another batch of black bean whatever. Now I'm fixing to make a BIG batch of humous. I think I may have cooked too many chick peas (two pounds makes a lot!) but I can go get more lemons and freeze it after it is made. These two items are helping me eat more salad and less other stuff - some days anyway.
Still cold and getting colder on weekend.
Well, R is working all day, everyday - until midnight or later. I do the laundry - not much of that. Make breakfast for us before he disappears. Then I read, watch a little TV, do the little things I can find to do, shop. And get stuck in the chair until I think of something else to do. Bought a nice poinsettia tonight. There is no bud yet on the Clivia miniata. And the plumbago dropped all its blooms shortly after I got it home. OK. two days until the solstice and then the days get longer and the plants and all will be happier.
Crisis: gotta figure out how to have a more satisfactory life. We don't get to play much since R is working too much and he needs to do it. I need to do other things. Gotta make a plan. See more people. Go to country more often. It is not enough to have friends on line. I need to visit real people in real life.
That is what I need to make happen. Thank you, guys. Later.