The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42167   Message #3277574
Posted By: GUEST
21-Dec-11 - 02:15 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Beautiful Star of Bethlehem
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Beautiful Star of Bethlehem
I see it has been a year since anyone has commented on this song. I was searching for the writer of the song and came across this site.
My mother-in-law passed away in 2009 and i have all her old (I mean old too) song books. A lot of them are Stamps and Baxter. I saw that James D. Vaughan had published this song and remembered some of those books too. I pulled out one titled "Singing Star" published in 1941 and on page 1 is the song Beautiful star of Bethlehem.
Across the top giving credit it says, in order:

Adger M. Pace Theme by R.F.B.   R Fisher Boyce Har. by A.M.P.

Genie, the only things I see in verse 3 you have (For) it is in the orginal printing. For Jesus is now that (not the) Star divine

It is truly a God inspired song.