The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142104   Message #3277634
Posted By: Severn
21-Dec-11 - 06:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Christmas-WELCOME 2012 - Tavern
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Christmas Tavern 2011
Too bad you couldn't stay, Patsy. It's a lot of fun here, but it's no Brigadoon. You don't get trapped here for life. You come and go as you want to, and you may get addicted for life. We'll still be here when you need us when we open on holidays and Getaway time. We'll be here til New Years this time. You may not be telling a soul of what you saw, but you ain't seen nothin' yet. Come back when you can.

If you're the Patsy who sings with Elmo, bring him too.

The boy finally brings me my tea, and I find out that he can't talk and can only comunicate by whistling. I could never whistle, so I ask for a lesson. Fine tea.....

Someone's put a Santa hat on Mr. Bell and after a few drinks, he's eenjoying playing the part. Be careful which whitebearded guy you talk to. It looks like Stilly's passing out Santa hats all around.