The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141848   Message #3277688
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
21-Dec-11 - 09:52 AM
Thread Name: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
Subject: RE: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
Sounds like a couple of candidates for ibuprofen today.

After posting last night I decided to run over to the closest Sprint store to take a look at the phones, because there was what looked like a good one on sale (Internet special) for free, but it ended last night. Had a good conversation with the sales guys then came home to tackle the plan and get the new phone. Had to change the plan before they let me buy the phone, and I had less than an hour to spare. Later today we'll get a different phone for my son, back at the Sprint store.

Racing the clock the rest of the week, and frankly, the rest of the year. I get a week off between xmas and new years, which will help. One can get tired just looking at the list of things to do, so I'll chop the list into short segments.

Michelle, if they "killed the port" does that mean that it has served it's useful life? Will you have it removed one of these days?

Kat, have a great day with Morgan, and Morgan, I'd sure like another drawing one of these days!