The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26887   Message #327796
Posted By: Mark Clark
26-Oct-00 - 11:35 AM
Thread Name: No Real Choice in American Elections
Subject: RE: No Real Choice in American Elections
Some may remember the show from the sixties that played in the UK and on Broadway as "Beyond The Fringe." The brainchild of Peter Cook, Dudley Moore, et al., it was a series of wonderfully funny sketches. Cook and Moore later took a subset of the show on the road as "Good Evening."

One of the sketches portrayed a group of Englishmen discussing the U.S. A favorite (but true) gag from that sketch had them saying "Well, they have the two-party system in America." "Yes, they have the Republican Party which is the equivalent of our Conservative Party, and they have the Democratic Party which is the equivalent of our Conservative Party [sic]."


A wise old landlord I had years ago in Chicago explained to me his understanding of the Democrats and the Republicans. He said when the Democrats get in they steal but they spread the money around so everyone gets some. When the Republicans get in they steal but keep it all for themselves. Pretty smart for a landlord don't you think?

      - Mark