The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142104   Message #3277991
Posted By: Severn
21-Dec-11 - 07:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Christmas-WELCOME 2012 - Tavern
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Christmas Tavern 2011
I kinda liked Megan in a Selkie nightgown. That look was just the Christmas seal of approval....

I wasn't looking for animals to cook, I was just trying to keep up with the plot and the whereabouts of all the beings involved.

Inuit? I knew it!

Do we now call Sage "Stihl-ly"

Sage hums "Stihlly Nacht" as she trims the tree. The Silver Fir is perfect!

Granny, with the help of her whistling son, gives a big yank and the carrot is safely removed. However, in the process, gnu gets turned inside out, which is NOT a pretty sight. What can we do for him, other than to call him "ung" for the time being? SINS, where did you stash the wand? Is there a Doctor in the house?
As if on cue, in walks Nurse Ratched with a full-to-bulging medical bag and the most fiendish grin you'll ever hope not to see......

"No, Dasher!" shouts SINS. "Don't eat that carrot!"

But Nurse Ratched, in the name of revised Republican Health Care, doesn't seem to carrot all.

All the King's Horses and Men stand in reserve. Poor, poor ung......