The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142104   Message #3278197
Posted By: My guru always said
22-Dec-11 - 03:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Christmas-WELCOME 2012 - Tavern
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Christmas Tavern 2011
Sniffing through the cat-flap, Rusty, the black&white cat, is drooling at the thought of roasted Aurochs meat. Ears twitching at the strange sounds coming from within, she thought, 'sounds like quite a party going on, think I'll just creep inside'.

Keeping out of the way of all the feet, and watching out for tentacles sliding around near the Jello pit, Rusty investigates the room. Though she'd like to go into the kitchen to check on the quality of the cooking and find out what was smelling so good, she opts for cosying up. Spotting a handy lap belonging to a nice-looking Gent, she jumps up and snuggles down.

The nice Gent absently strokes the tired, hungry Cat, teasing the seeds and twigs that she's picked up on the road out of her fur.

'MMmmm', she purrs contentedly. 'I can wait for something to eat, but I wonder if anyone has a drop of Baileys to spare?'