The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141848   Message #3280333
Posted By: wysiwyg
26-Dec-11 - 07:38 PM
Thread Name: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
Subject: RE: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
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Well, I think we've probably had our first bad FreeCycle experience.

When we first stared FCing, I made the mistake of setting out 4 huge boxes on the front porch, stacked... Each box was clearly labeled with the name of the recipient. The top box was for the first picker-upper scheduled, and so forth.

When I happened to open the front door and see what was going on, that darn first-comer was loading all but ONE box that was still left... [shrug] My goal was to get 'em gone, so I just called 2 of the other recipients and told them what had happened-- and oh well! :~)

But on Christmas Eve Day, our friend Ed and I took an item "urgently needed" to deliver an hour away, along with a NOT-urgently-needed item, because I had no address for the urgent one but did have time to get going. We left the urgent item, with the non-urgent person's encouragement, for the urgent requestor to pick it up however they could work it out-- not my business!

And Ed and I had a wonderful, sunny drive catching up on his recent trip south to see his brother. We got to the Xmas Eve family service just in time. I sent the urgent-need lady and the porch-owner each others' email addresses as soon as I got home, so they could arrange next steps.

I waited to see if the urgent requestor had gotten her email in time to surprise hubby... but instead I got a question from the non-urgent helper who'd held the item for her a few hours: not only was the item gone, so were some heavy-duty extension cords that had been left out nearby. Did I know the picker-upper personally?


I have no idea if they ever got hooked up in email, or which one is selling me a story-- but I do know that the brand-new AC I donated to the cause was NOT an "Energy Star," and that those two peeps were responsible for their own FCing!!!

It was a good reminder-- always FC or Craigslist in daylight and take a friend and a cellphone every time, as we do, no matter how nice the peeps seem because.... you really never know.

But someone got a nice new AC, so Merry Christmas to them!
