The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142281   Message #3280889
Posted By: JohnInKansas
28-Dec-11 - 03:43 AM
Thread Name: Tech: OpenOffice
Subject: RE: Tech: OpenOffice
Joe O -

I think I mentioned an old computer that we've had in and out of the shop several times. Their "experts" finally conceded that "something's messed up" and offered to reinstall the OS. When I got it home I found that they didn't replace the Vista Home Premium that we bought it with, but instead put Vista Home Basic on it.

I'm still trying to figure out how to run the crippled ^%$@#&! OS. Hadn't realized just how many things were left out of the Basic relative to the next step up.

I did notice that he was kind enough to put LibreOffice on it - or at least there's a desktop icon for it. And it looks like he managed whatever he did without losing all the non-system files, although all the other programs were gone.

I may get around to taking a look at it; but we intended using the machine as a dedicated copier, to get a few hundred old VHS tapes onto DVDs. Since you have to "play them in real time" with the copy utility we got, it'll be pretty busy until we get tired of that usage, so it may be a while. (The Roxio "copier" has crashed the PC twice in the three setup burns we tried; but I think I've got it sort of figured out now.)

It was some reassurance(???) to see that LibreOffice is what that particular group of bandits has chosen for their cheapskate customers (like us, in this case).
