The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142343   Message #3281012
Posted By: Bonnie Shaljean
28-Dec-11 - 10:32 AM
Thread Name: The Medieval Baebes geek out
Subject: RE: The Medieval Baebes geek out
> I don't really see the need to be so spiky about this... I also don't see the need to be so aggressive towards Emma Hartley.

Ditto. Seems like every time Emma writes anything on here, people take a pop at her. Why not just bypass whatever you don't like? Why take the trouble to read and then more trouble to comment? What happened to the live-and-let-live attitudes so beloved among folkies?

Hope she won't stay away from Mudcat because of the unpleasantness aimed at her. I think she's an enhancement here - intelligent and well-informed - whether you happen to agree with her tastes or not.

For the record, I like Glamour Cave. I follow Emma on Twitter too. So there! :-p