The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141848   Message #3281716
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
29-Dec-11 - 06:33 PM
Thread Name: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
Subject: RE: Dec. 2011 - Wrapping up Declutter & Accountability
Yep, Christmas happened without us! Went to the cafe on Friday night. Late again. Went to the cabin and STAYED there four days. That is how long it took before R was able to force himself, guilt-ridden, back to the city. He slept for most of two days; I read and did little things. We did not eat much. Then he slept only until late morning for two days. We took a walk in the beautiful sunny woods where the trees hung with snow, and did some very small improvements in cabin. He read and I sorted things, making more small organizing stabs. We visited a close /walking distance neighbour and spent almost 3 hours getting to know an interesting man.

It was lovely.

Car did not start on Tuesday so I went out to the road and waved someone down! A nice neighbour from the next road over. He owns the next lot and stopped in once in the summer. It was nice to move the relationship up a tiny notch.

Yesterday, R brought home a booster pack and battery charger - for my Christmas! This was the third time the car did not start out there. There is not much traffic but we have been lucky. Prefer to be prepared.

Today: 6 outdoors and 56 indoors! Heating pad on feet and wrapped in quilt. No motivation to do anything! Did 3 loads of laundry yesterday but added another space heater and using the washer shuts off the circuit. Heat is more important!

Looking forward to the David Suzuki movie tonight and dinner with friends.

News on: telling us about the year that is ending. Most interesting to me is Arcade Fire's sweep of awards. Just because it is so amazing to see a friend's son, a band member, on TV. I remember him as a 5 year old. Remember his dad as a Morris dancer at folk festivals. Mom involved as a musician. And sister now a dynamite singer songwriter of the political protest variety. Mom is SO proud of her kids!   

Posted on FB for my 2nd son to please contact mother! #1 is sometimes reachable.
Visited today with sister-in-law, niece and her kids and husband on Skype. So nice to see them looking healthy; 7 year old just found to have diabetes but doing quite well with it. Skype is so wonderful.

Phoned that country neighbour this am. will try to meet with him as he is tech savy and had ideas about how we can connect to the internet and have a cell signal at the cabin. Would make me feel more comfortable to spend more time alone there.

No cafe for two weeks.