The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #139394 Message #3281995
Posted By: GUEST,mg
30-Dec-11 - 11:57 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: French Canadian Songs- Voyages sur Mer
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: French Canadian Songs- Voyages sur Mer
Wonderful....we tend to forget how important the French explorers and voyageurs and what did they call them? Runners of the woods? were in USA...up and down the whole middle portion on the rivers and on to the west....I had heard that there were two officially bilingual states in US and one was Maine and the other was ?? New Hampshire? One you wouldn't expect. I don't know if it is true or not but I kinow in Maine that once you cross a point somewhere in Aroostook County that schools are in French..there is a college in French or at least Bilingual...and of course the whole Louisiana thing...I also think in NW there was much jmore influence than we realize. mg