ok, my friends...which would you rather have; careful edited, resized, lightened, darkened, cropped, labeled and organized pictures...in a week or two----or PICTURES now!think it over.....ok..that's long enough. Good choice! here you go...Getaway 2000 pictures (the two top albums are all from the Getaway...the top one is #2..)
due to stupid software, timeouts, line drops and size, it took 3 hours and I had to break it into 2 albums, but they are mostly there, and 'mostly' in order...but not totally.
These are just digital snapshots from where I was.. almost NO posing, planning or attempt to 'document' everything...but there are still some very nice ones. I didn't label them yet, because that would have take more hours...*smile*...so feel free to talk among yourselves and identify friends until I get more time....have fun!